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24. With pink gloves - Giglio Ricci
The images
The story
The little dress doesn't change, what is changing are the gloves: shiny pink latex gloves.
Just a little variation on the theme, but not so little for a gloves-addict like me. ;)
The photographer
With Giglio Ricci it has been love at first sight.
His approach to photography comes from the attention for details and the passion for fetish from the love for latex.
I like working with him: he is always very demanding and he pays attention to the minimum detail.
Of the same photographer
 My new dress 
 The Bench 
 Once again... Pink 
 The Woman in Red 
 Agatha's hat 
 La vie en rose 
 Blue Moon 
 With pink gloves 
 With white gloves 
 Fetish 4 Fashion 
 The latex blouse 
 Classic Shots 
 On the road